So, do you wanna fear failure or love success you have to choose loving success means you won't let anything stop you. People will say only 1% make it to the top but guess what only 1% stick with anything long enough to see results. It doesn't mean you have a 1% chance, it means you have to do better than the 99% who give up quickly. Look around you, are you like 99% of the people if you are you are in the wrong place. Loving success means getting up and going for it.
Fear and failure won't help. Infact loving success will get you through the failures you'll fail many times but it's okay because failure isn't permanent. You will get back up stronger and wiser and eventually succeed. You have to love succesa so much. That you're willing to fail 10 times just to succeed once that's how winners do it. Here's the biggest myth, being scared of failure will keep you from falling that's a lie i used to believe it too. I thought fear would keep me from falling.
Until one day i met an old man named robert who loved walking more than he feared falling. He tought me that loving what you do, is more imprtant than fearing failure. If you scared of falling you won't start but if you love what you do like robert loved walking, you'll do it no matter how many times you fail. So next time someone tells you'll fail. Tell Them They're Right But You're Not Afraid To Fail. You'll fail 10 times but succeed on the 11th try.
Life is unpredictable you could die tomorrow, so why not pursue your dreams now. If you fail you'll be back where you started but at least you tried. Many people are afraid of what others think or failing, so they don't take action but you have a gift and to make it real. You need to take a risk otherwise you'll life a safe mediocre life full of regret. I used to be afraid of failing and missed many opportunities, but after thinking a lot i realized that i'd rather try and fail than with regrets.
Life is too short to play it safe. Take every chance and live each day like it's your last. Don't be afraid to take a risks and fail. Comfort zones keep you trapped and being comfortable means you stop moving forward. Don't let fear hold you back be determined keep trying and remember. That failure is just a step on the way to success if life knocks you down. Get back up and keep going.