


Here's all you have to do, learn to work harder on yourself, then you do on your job. Once I understand that philosophy, it totaly changed my life. Work Harder On Yourself Than You Do on Your Job. If You Work Hard On Your Job, You Can Make a Living Which Is Fantastic. If you work hard on yourself, you can make a fortune which is super fantastic. Success Is Something You Attract By Becoming An Attractive Person. Success is not something you pursue. Success is something you attract by the person you become by becoming an attractive, becoming an attractive person.

Never be satisfied with yourself. Always know that as you invest the effort and time on you, that's the greatest ability that human beings have above animals. See a dog can be anything but a dog tree can be anything but a tree human being you've got unlimited potential. You Can Put Effort On You And By Concentrating On You And Developing You, You Can Transform Your Life Wherever You Are Right Now. So you want to work on yourself. My dreams are first every day, than my wife, then my kids.

I can take care of my wife and my kids I abandoned this. This is the fuel for who I am. I abandoned this dream, and then I ended up, I can't take care of them, and then I'm gonna tell them what it's all right that you didn't win. No, it's not all right if you don't win, you need to win. How Many Of You Need To Win More? If you don't control your environment, folks, somebody else is going to control your environment. You Guys Have Run Teams And Run Organizations. If you do not control your environment, someone else will control your environment.

You are being controlled in your environment right now, if you don't control your environment. It starts with me when I was 45 years old, I'm going to control my environment. I'm going to take every penny I have all the energy I have all the resource I have and I'm going to improve me. If I got to go broke in the process because I'm already broke. Look, if you're not fulfilled, if you're not reaching your full potential every day you're broke right now. If you find your passion.

you're going to have this tremendous energy of sustainable energy, but momentum requires you always do the next thing that keep the momentum going. If you believe in what you're doing, that's fuel it adds more fuel to your fire. You gotta keep going. You gotta keep pushing through, you gotta keep perseving because at the end of the day, when you do and you do, and you do more, you will be amazed at how the universe conspires to help you get to the place that you, that you wanted to get to.

So Believe In You Block Out The Shade And Let Your Sun Shine On Through, Cause It's On You To Be You And The Reason You Get Yourself In a Passionate Place Is So That You Change Your Life And The Only Thing That Changes Your Life Is Making a Decision. So While You're In This Passionate State, That's Where You Make Decision. The only way the commitment and the energy and the momentum continues is if you take immediate massive what? My friends, massive action is the cure all.    


That's how you develop yourself. That's how you begin to appreciate what you get, when you're working on a dream at some point in time, a transition take place. And the transition is, is what you're becoming in pursuit of the dream. Because even if you don't get the dream, you become such a strong and powerful person. It was so changed your life, you can look at something else and say, well, I think I'll go do this then, because you have now developed yourself in such confidence and Such Competence In How To Deal In The Arena Of Life, That You Can Move Into Another Area And Not Miss A Beat.

Once You Begin To Discover Who You Are, Then You Really Realize How You Have Been Given Authority And Dominion Over Everything On The Face Of The Earth, Including All the dimensions of your life. But You Can Only Do That Through The Struggle Of Life. And most people avoid the strggle. Most people go through life avoiding pain, and when you go through life like that, something in you dies something in you that never activate is lying dormant in There That You Never Get a Chance To Call On Because You Have Not Challenged Yourself.

Somebody Said The Land Of Familiarity Belongs To The Dead That Most People In Life To Feel Like They're a King In The Area Of Their Comfort Zone. They only want to do those things that they know how to do well. Ralph waldo said, " Unless you attempt to do something beyond that, which you've already mastered, you will never grow." So, if you want to begin to grow, you've Got To Put Something Out Here That You Can't Reach Easily. That Has Got To Make You Stretch.

Gotta make you jump for it, gotta make you get back a little bit and dig in so that you can take a leap forward and then you'll jump up there and you'll miss it in your skin, your knees, and you come back again and your busy, your lip next time, but you keep on and through that process, you learn how to leep higher. You start challenging yourself to dig deeper, and then you discover some thing about you that you don't know right now.  Some talents that you have in you that you didn't know that you can do.

If You Want To Begin To Make Your Stuff Happen For You. I think that it's very important that you start trusting you yourself. Listen to yourself, listen to that. Still small voice within you. Don't try and make everything logical. There Are Some Things About Life That Defies Logic That You Just Panic Explain How The Outcome Is Going To Be. I think that's why paul said, you've got to learn how to walk by faith and not by sight. That once you begin to trust yourself and your ideas and your instincts life takes on a whole new meaning because now I want you to do that feeling that you are led just feel I am led  ladies and gentlemen, don't give your power away.

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