Don't Tell Your Problems To Everyone, 80% Don't Care And The Other 20% Are Glad You Have Them. STOP Looking For The Good In People, START Instead LOoking For Good People. YOU Have To Do What Is Right For You, No One Else Is Walking In Your Shoes. THE More Thankful You Are, THE More You Attract Things To Be Thankful For. NEVER Let a Bad Day MAKE You Feel Like You Have a Bad Life.
Every Second You Spend Comparing Your Life To Someone Else's Is a Second Spent Wasting Yours. You can lie down for people to work on you and they will still complain that you are not flat enough. WHEN Thinking About Life, Remember This No Amount Of Guilt Can Change The Past And No Amount Of Anxiety Can Change The Future. EVERY Person In Your Life Is a Teacher, Some Bring Lessons About Love And Support, Others Teach You What To Avoid.
You see a person's True colors when you are no longer beneficial to their life. DON'T Get Married Because You Think It's Something You Have To Do. YOU Don't Have As Much Time As You Think, Tell Those People You Love That You Love Them And Say It Often. If you've never questions whether or not you made the right decision, you haven't taken big enough risks. Not everyone is down for you like say they are. Never trust what someone says, watch what they do.
You Can't love somebody enough to make them love you back. BE Careful With Your Words, Once They Are Said, They Can Be Only Forgiven, Not Forgotten. don't LET SOMEONE WHO DID YOU WRONG MAKE YOU THINK THERE'S SOMETHING WRONG WITH YOU, DON'T DEVALUE YOURSELF BECAUSE THEY DIDn't VALUE, YOU KNOW YOUR WORTH EVEN IF THEY DON'T. If you're Willing to sacrifice what you want most for what you want now, then your future will always be filled with disapointment.
Being single with peace of mind is way better than having a relationship with someone who makes your life miserable. Sometime you just have to say 'No' and ignore the guilt trip that follows. Often, the right thing and the Hardest thing are the same. WHAT You Do Today Can Improve All Your Tomorrows. SOMETIMES In Life, Your Situation Will Keep Repeating Itself Until You Learn Your Lesson.
You'll not be punished for your anger, you will be punished by your anger. It Doesn't matter if you're right sometimes. THE People You HANG Around Will Shape Your Life In More Ways Than You Know. SOmetimes There's No Right Decision To Make, In Those Cases First You Make a Decision And Then You Work To Make It Right. THE Greatest Mistake You Can Make In Life Is To Be Continually Fearing You Will Make One.
Learn To Be Content And HAPPY By Yourself, IF You Need a Company To Be Happy Then It Will Make You Weak. You're not responsible for what other people expect from you. Not every thought needs to be expressed. THERE Are Things In Life We Don't Want To Happen, But Have To Accept, Things We Don't Want To Know, But Have To Learn And People We Can't Live Without, but have to let go.
No matter who tries to teach you lessons about life, you won't understand it until you go through it on your own. You can Start your life over anytime you want, you can start being the person you actually want to be today right now. THE People Who Ask The Most From You ARE The People Who Do The Least For You. NEVER Sacrifice These Three Things Your Family, Your Heart Or Your Dignity.